Headed over to West Seattle again at 7:00AM this morning and hit up yet another new area, south of all my previous trips. As I head south, I'm in newer and newer neighborhoods, but all the houses are still 1910/1920 homes. Spent a total of about three and a half hours and netted an Indian Head penny, Mercury dime, three silver dimes, 14 Wheat pennies (a record for me), another Rogers nickel / silver spoon (a little more twisted and bent this time), and a good amount of modern clad coins. Though my Barber dime is still my best find to-date, this is by far the best day of treasure hunting for me - especially considering it was all from only half a day's work.
When Erin returned home from work we headed to the same local school ball fields as a couple weekends ago and warmed up our shoulders throwing the softball around. Both of us have joined leagues and need to get our softball muscles back in shape. The kids came with us as well, and as always, loved the seemingly endless amount of grass to run in.
The first house in the pictures below, with concrete retaining walls, is where I found the Mercury dime (just under the tree). The other house is where I found a majority of my Wheat pennies, the Indian Head penny, and the three silver dimes.
Coin totals for the day:
(3) Modern Pennies
(38) Copper Pennies
(14) Wheat Pennies
(1) Indian Head Penny
(12) Modern Dimes
(3) Silver Dimes
(1) Mercury Dime
(1) Modern Nickel
(6) Modern Quarters
(1) Canadian Penny