Ok, now that I've got the trip stuff out of the way, onto the REAL good stuff - today's hunt. Well maybe not THAT good of stuff, but a decent day none the less. Today saw my first silver quarter, and nice 1943s and a sterling silver pendant. Wheaties were slim pickings - only three. I also found my usual share of odd items including a Zippo type lighter, a key, and a old handgun type bullet (unfired) which I somehow misplaced between West Seattle and home (pissed about that - gonna search again tomorrow). And of course I can't forget the regular clad, though I left a bunch from a few previous smaller local hunts prior to the trip in my satchel, so that total listed below includes a few other days of detecting.
Clad Totals:
17 Modern Pennies
69 Copper Pennies
4 Wheat Pennies
8 Modern Nickels
34 Modern Dimes
10 Modern Quarters
1 Silver Quarter
4 Canadian Pennies

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