No Ikes last week as the local operations manager couldn't get in touch with the vault manager about getting more until it was too late. She was able to order another $1000.00 for this week but it is the last remaining amount they have or can order in Washington (each state has it's own cash vault). Hopefully I'll go out with a bang.
As for my weekly order of $3000.00 in halves, I had pretty decent luck considering the amount of skunk boxes I've seen recently. I scored about 8 silvers total, including my first ever Benjamin half, dated 1958. Benjamin half dollars are composed of 90% silver and were minted prior to the Kennedy series, from 1938 to 1963. (sorry, forgot to snag a picture so the below is a stock photo from the internet).
Received my metal detector back from Fisher Labs on Saturday. The note they included with the shipment stated that my coil was defective and so they replaced it for free, which is nice, but it makes me wonder what I missing. Anyway, I headed out early Sunday morning to West Seattle again but didn't have much luck - only finding sparse modern coinage. Perhaps my good finds from earlier were beginners luck?
On Tuesday I had my third softball game with a bunch of the folks here @ Motricity, and as with previous games, we were destroyed. It was a double header and we lost both games due to mercy rules, being outscored 26-8 in the first game and 29-3 in the second game. To give you an idea of the skill level the players that make up our team, notable outs for us in one game included accidentally throwing the bat at the umpire, stepping completely out of the batters box to swing, and leading off from first base. We've been known to slide into first, run through second / third base, stand off first base and tag out batters (instead of just touching the bag). I'd even venture to say that lazy ol' me is one of the most athletic folks on the team.
Turning to the professional side of sports, Erin and I headed to a Mariners game on Friday, which turned out to be a fantastic day. The weather was perfect and the seats were great - we definitely had a blast.

I leave you with a picture of the famed Emma, who is planning to visit Seattle in the coming month and should hopefully give Riley a run for this money.

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