Since my last post, I've had a couple good boxes of halves and should have posted about it earlier. All of the good stuff has since been placed in coin holders, which makes them difficult to photograph, so you'll just have to take my word that I'm finding the good stuff. Notable finds include eight (8) Franklin halves (all from the same box mind you!) and two Walking Liberty halves (stock photo below), which were the minted prior to Franklin halves, starting in 1916 and finishing in 1947. For those who saw my earlier posts about the bullion Silver Eagles, you probably recognize the Walking Liberty image as the Silver Eagles adopted the Walking Liberty design when they started minting them in 1980's.
Well, to be honest, my desire to go metal-detecting has weakened as of late, mostly because I'm tired of dealing with ornery people over on the west side and the east side doesn't have the history and available locations to satiate my desires for older coins. It looks like I'm going to have to buckle down and start researching / requesting access to specific locations if I want the older stuff and right now I'm having more fun coin roll hunting. Finding modern coins, jewelery, and odd trinkets just doesn't do it for me.
The latest news is Erin annihilated her BioChem final with a 100/100 (she only needed a 45/100 to get credit for school) and finishing the course with a 4.0. If I remember correctly, the best grades I got for a similar course were a pair of D's in my Molecular Biology course in college prior to dropping it.
The kids are doing quite well. Hannah passed her senior vet exam with flying colors, proving that she will be enriching our lives for quite some time. Riley is still Riley.
Erin is all but packed for her move to eastern Washington, plucking decorations from our walls and piling them on dining room floor.
The weather has been less than stellar as of late (as indicated by the cartoon below), but it's looking nicer for the weekend, which is perfect timing as Emma and Francine are on their way out here on Saturday.

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