The days are getting longer and I'm now able to get in an hour or so of hunting after work - especially on a beautiful day like we had today in Seattle. I believe the high was around 58 and it was clear and sunny. I headed to local park and struggled through some biting gnats and false positive signals to find my best treasure yet - a 1911 Barber dime in beautiful condition. Barber dimes were minted between1892 and 1916, followed by the Mercury dimes of 1917 - 1945, and then the Roosevelt dimes of present day. Like almost all dimes minted prior to 1965, the Barber dime is 90% silver. Due to the strong details still visible on my coin, it's estimated value is around $25.00 - not bad huh?

Also, I was able to get a positive ID on that fastener from my 2-10 adventure. It's a hose clamp manufactured by HB Sherman Mfg Co (not MEG!).
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