Today I headed out early at 7:30am to go metal detecting in an area with some older growth trees near present day Redmond Town Center. I believe the area used to be part of the edge of a golf course. The weather was decent and ground was dry - this was my first time out with my new Fisher F75 metal detector and boy was it sensitive. Seemed like everywhere I swept it beeped on something, so I was forced to really focus and find the good beeps. Though tiring, suffering through the multitude of fake beeps paid off as you'll see below.
(5) Wheat Pennies, oldest 1919
(7) Memorial Pennies
(3) Modern Nickles
(3) Modern Quarters
(4) Modern Dimes
(1) .38 cal shell (looks like U.M.C. S&W)
Note: Found one Pennie, Nickel, Dime, & Quarter, all date 1978 - Muh Birfday!

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